Substitution of Chemical Substances:
Project Results and Matchmaking Event
March 6th, 2020 | 9am - 5pm
Glaverbel Building, Brussels
A chance to meet potential chemical substitution partners in one day and adopt new methods to support your clients
The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) are holding an information and matchmaking event to conclude a key project aimed at supporting companies working with the substitution of chemical substances of concern.
The event will be held at the Glaverbel Building in Brussels on 6 March 2020, and will report on the results of the two-year project, which has worked to enhance the online profiles of Enterprise Europe Network clients, supported them at a range of b2match events across Europe, and devised a new process for helping these companies find the right partners working in the substitution of chemical substances of concern.
Delivery partners RPA Europe Srl, Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd and Arcadis Belgium are hosting the 1-day event, which includes talks for EEN and related partners on the results of the project and an afternoon b2match event, aimed at EEN partners with clients with relevant profiles, in order to find new contacts. Companies offering and searching for safer alternatives to chemical substances of concern are also invited to the b2match event to find new partners.
The event is supported by the BioChemTech Sector Group and the Enterprise Europe Network. To download a copy of the agenda click here or see Agenda.
For whom?
• EEN partners with clients working in chemical substitution (who may or may not have existing EEN profiles).
• EEN clients wanting to facilitate alternative safer solutions in the bio-economy, the circular economy, biocidal products and cosmetics;
• EEN clients wanting to increase the opportunities for substitution for SMEs and decrease the costs for searching alternatives.
• EEN partners keen to explore this new way of promoting the Partnership Opportunities Database as a platform of choice for advertising alternative solutions to the use of substances of concern
Why participate?
- Establishing technology and commercial partnerships
- Expanding your business abroad
- Learning about new technologies and solutions
- Showcase your most favourable projects, products or know-how
- Present, discuss and develop new ideas and projects
- Discover new ways to support your clients working in chemical substitution
What can you expect?

- Bilateral meetings
Initiate promising contacts in pre-arranged meetings - Find stakeholders
Discuss with chemical sector stakeholders about their needs - Meet researchers
Meet with key researchers for co-development or funding application opportunities - Learn project results Hear from project delivery partners about new ways of supporting your clients